Hello Everyone,
I have been horribly delinquent on adding new posts to this blog. I will not make excuses. I have been very busy, lots of traveling for work, busy with our house project and with the kids...like I said, no excuses!
What prompted me to post something is that I read some comments from people that I had lost touch with and that were able to find me via this Blog. I've been an internet user for over 10 years but I guess that it never ceases to amaze me how powerful this medium is. I create a blog and someone that has not spoken with me for years can google my name and, presto, there I appear with news about my life and my family (if a bit outdated)! It makes the world smaller and despite being thousands of miles away from where I was born and even further away from where I started my professional life, I'm as close as a few taps on the keyboard and a click of the mouse. Therefore, without making promises, I will try to keep this a bit more up to date.
The premise remains the same...an American in France that has now been here for a little over a year. Our house project is finally starting to take shape after many months of seemingly endless delays (but more on that to follow). Apologies to those of you that actually do check on this site once in a while but I encourage you to keep writing comments as this is what encourages me. A bientot...
Labels: Bad, Bad Blogger...